Short history
Lao PDR (the official name) is a landlocked country in Southeast Asia, bordering Myanmar, Cambodia, China, Thailand and Vietnam. Once part of French Indochina it became independent in 1975. During the American War it was bombed more heavily than any other country in the world. Between 1964 and 1973, the U.S. dropped two million tons of bombs on Laos. Even today the presence of unexploded ordnance continues to destroy lives and limits agricultural production and expansion.
Nowadays Lao has about 7.28 million people living in its 19 provinces and 50 ethnic groups with most people – 68 percent – still living in rural areas.
Visting Laos
For visitors Laos has a lot to offer. Not only its dark and brooding jungle, glowing emerald rice fields and glistening tea leaves that covers the mountains, Laos is leading the way in Southeast Asia when it comes to ecotourism.
Whether you want to take a walk on the wild side to spot exotic animals such as gibbons or elephants, explore ancient temples and stupas. Immerse yourself in Lao spiritual life, taste the local spicy food. Laos has something for everyone. No matter what reason you visit Laos, you will experience the hospitality and warm kindness of the Lao people.

The Thatluang stupa in the center of Vientiane, Laos, is one of the most important symbols in the country. Therefore it is part of our log.

A beautiful sunset above the emerald mountains in Phongsaly Province in the north of Laos.

The waterfalls near LuangPrabang are certainly worth a visit. Dive in and cool down in the lakes.